
John's Ear Candy / ジョン ウォートンのオススメMusic(Death in Vegas)

Oi ! It's bloody cold down here in Kyushu ,the snow is falling and there are some die hard surfers in the water . The waves are 3ft and it's blowing on shore with snow . Good on them !
This weeks musical treat is from a band originally called Dead Elvis , but The Kings fan objected to that name so they changed it to Death in Vegas.
There music is a mix between 2 of my favourite musical genres Electronica and psychedelic rock , sometimes throwing in a special guest star ballad and some dub. They have 4 albums all fantastic , and all a little different ,but in think my favourite is Scorpio Rising .
The album was also released as a limited edition double pack including a live CD, recorded on the Scorpio Rising tour at the Brixton Academy in London. That bonus CD is a cracker and really makes me want to see them play live .
They have had the likes of Liam Gallaher and Iggy Pop,doing vocals for them and were also on the Lost in Translation soundtrack by Sofia Coppola.
This weeks slang (Die Hard) ,as in . In Kyushu surfers are so Die Hard they will still go surfing even if it is blowing hard on shore with snow and only 3 ft.
I gotta say though the crew down here in Kyushu are really friendly and willing to share a smile and the fire with a Gaijin . Enjoy John PS, You gotta love Iggy Pop


On the Road / おでかけ ( Happy New Year to all of you )


I'm on the road and I do not know when I can post again,  I leave my happy new year to all, see you guys soon.

Michael Sherwin


From today Michael will be giving some tips on surfing here on the blog, besides good surfer and a Teacher of English he is also a great cooker and can also give some recipes for food. A warm welcome to Best Wave report my friend.

Surf Corner by Michael Sherwin

サーフィン エチケット

最近の旅行は、オーストラリアそしてバリに行きました.オーストラリアとバリでサーフィンした時にちょっとびっくりした事がありました。サーフィンの時の皆のグッドマナーです。もちろん、とても混雑している時は every man for themselves なんですけど。普通に人がいる状況では皆お互いに尊敬はけっこうありますが・・・

日本に返って、サーフィンの時の僕の観察事は皆が他の人に対して尊敬があんまりないと思います。日本では、ルールは一つしか知らない人が多いみたい。そのルールは the person on the inside has the wave。もし、このルールだけしか知らないのならば、失礼事になるかも知れない。たとえば、snakingとか stealing。他の国でこんな事やったら、大罰が来るかも知れない。もしも、何でもルールを無視していたら厳格な結果がほとんど来ますよ。(もし、あなたが誰かに厳格な注意や意思表示をしたければ、又はしなければならない時はその人に直接してね!ましてや他の人や相手の持ち物等に悪い事しないで。例えば、 相手の車のタイヤの空気を抜く・・・こんな事サーフィン以前の問題ですよね!僕が実際に友人から聞いた話です。)



サーフィン エチケット

PADDELING OUT: 海に入る(ゲティングアウト):サーファーが波に乗っている所に入らないで!両端どちら側からか回りこんで波待ちしてね。そして、ピークにすぐには行かないで、先に波待ちしていた人の奥に座らないで。次のセット波は後に入ったあなたの波ではないです。順番に待ってね。他の人のすぐ側に座らないで。

PRIORITY: 優先権: ピークに一番近い人は行ける。


もしあなたが波をミスしてしまったら、その次の波はあなたのではないのです。あなたの PRIORITY は無くなりました。後ろから並びなさい.

THE ORDER: 順番:一番外とか一番長く待っている人は行ける。明らかに、その人は一番大きい波を待っています(祈っています)。どちらか、そんな波が来たら、その人は行ける。

もしも同じ誰かがいつも波に乗って、同じ所に戻って、乗って、戻って・・・それは欲な事です。そしたら、その人の priority は無くなります。

DROPPING IN / BURNING: 人を無視:波に乗っている人に干渉しないで。波に乗っている人の前にテークオフしないで。パドリングだけでも干渉の事になるよ。
SNAKING: スネーキング(波泥棒) :波が来た時、 PRIORITY がある人のインサイドに行かないで。そうすると、あなたには PRIORITY がなくなるよ。これは SNAKING(スネーキング)です。波が来た時、プライオリティーのある人がパドリングしている時にピークに近くない人がプライオリティーのある人の前に入ってインサイドに行く。ピークに近くない人がプライオリティーのある人から波を盗みました。これはダメですよ。そんな事をしたらあなたには皆からの尊敬がなくなります。


KEEP CONTROL OF YOUR EQUIPMENT: 自分の機器をコントロールして:これは SUP(スタンドアップパドル ボード)に乗っている人も!ボードコントロールがあまり出来ない人は、人がいない所で練習してね!

僕は8月に SUP との事故が2回あった。

2回ともSUP は僕よりインサイドにいました。そして、僕は波に乗りました。SUPは僕の後ろじゃなくて、僕の前に来ました。僕は避けようとしてSUP のボードを跳び超えようとしましたが衝突してしまいました。 SUP はルールをミスしました。僕のボードが凹んでしまいました。


3回目があったら、言葉は使わない。2倍返しルールを使います! SUP の皆さん気を付けてね!警告をしましたよ!

もし、疑問や質問があれば、僕たちに email を送って下さい。皆さんのコメントが聞きたいです。

Surfing Etiquette

On a recent trip back to Australia and then to Bali, I was somewhat surprised at the amount of etiquette in the water. Obviously when there’s a real crowd it’s every man for themselves, but with a few people in the water there is a healthy amount of respect for their fellow surfers.

Coming back to Japan I’ve really noticed that there is little or no respect for anyone in the water. The only rule that some people seem to have knowledge of is that the person on the inside has the wave. Knowing of only this rule leads to a lot of snaking, stealing and just out right rudeness in the water. Committing these offenses can lead to heavy penalties in other countries. In fact, breaking any of the basic surfing rules can have severe consequences. (However if you do serve a consequence to someone. Serve it to them! Not to other people or the offender’s car, i.e. letting down their tyres. If you do this cowardly act, you deserve to have your head let down!)

Here are some basic rules of etiquette for in the water. These rules were compiled from an international opinion with many decades of surfing experience.


Etiquette in the Water

PADDELING OUT: Don’t paddle out where people are surfing. Paddle out around the break and when you get out there, don’t paddle straight to the peak or sit on the inside of everyone. The next set waves aren’t yours, so just hang back and wait you turn. Don’t sit too close to anyone.

PRIORITY: The person closest to the breaking part of the wave has priority and right of way.

Exception: If someone is up and riding, getting onto the wave behind that person does not give you right of way. In other words, the first person on a wave has priority and right of way. This doesn’t mean you can paddle over the top of the person on the inside to get on the wave before them.

If you paddle for a wave and miss it, the next wave isn’t yours. You have lost priority. Go to the end of the line.

THE ORDER: The person farthest out or waiting the longest has priority and right of way. They are obviously waiting for the big ones, or praying for them. Either way, when/if it comes, it’s theirs.

Exception: If someone is consistently paddling out to the farthest spot and catching every wave while others wait, that is called, ‘wave hogging’ and the persons’ priority is revoked. Feel free to slap them with a dead mullet.

DROPPING IN / BURNING: Do not drop in on someone. Dropping in is taking off on a wave in front of someone who is already up and riding it. Just paddling for the wave can make the wave break prematurely, therefore causing the person surfing the wave to lose the section or have the barrel close down on them. Consequently making them very pissed off at you and likely to do the same thing to you for the rest of the day, if you’re lucky.

CAUGHT INSIDE: When caught inside, if you need to get past a wave that someone is riding, always paddle behind them, on the white water side. Never assume a surfer will sacrifice his ride to avoid hitting you.

Basically, do not paddle in front of someone, especially when they are paddling for wave or riding a wave.

SNAKING: Don't paddle up inside someone as they are trying to catch the wave. This is known as "snaking". When a surfer who is nowhere near the point of takeoff where another surfer is taking off, then paddles over and tries to steal the wave from the surfer at the peak. "Snaking is a no, no and one that will get you little respect in the lineup.

The surfer who has been sitting out the back waiting ages for that boomer while everyone else is on the inside always has the right of way. It's just common sense and courtesy.

KEEP CONTROL OF YOUR EQUIPMENT: To everyone in the water, especially stand up paddle boarders!!!! If you cant control your equipment, stay away from other people.

I have been cleaned up twice while riding a wave by a SUP. Both times the SUP was caught inside and tried to paddle for the shoulder across my path, breaking a basic rule. I couldn’t make it around them and couldn’t do much apart from try to jump over their board. Subsequently, we both got cleaned up by the wave. My board has suffered dings, a broken fin and the last time this happened I copped a 10cm gash on my shin. It happened in August and my shin still hasn’t healed properly. The next time this happens to me, mere words will not cut it. I will be returning the favour!!!

Well, I hope that makes things a bit clearer for you, and you may have even learn/zc something. I did!
Show some respect out there, and people will start to respect you. If they don’t, flick your weapon into their skull.

by Michael James Sherwin

Camaleon Photo Art New Look

今年の5月から僕のホームページカメレオンフォトアートのプロジェクトが始まりました。スタートはグレイトスピリッツのShonyと2人だけでした。当初は色々クレームやトラブルがありましたが頑張りました。そして今ではカメレオンフォトアートは沢山のメンバーが協力参加して1つのチームになりました。ウェブデザイナー、グラフィックデザイナー、トランスレーションの人、サポートしてくれる友人の皆、Genesis Body Boardsもサポートしてくれています。ベストウェーブリポートのブログも日本各地から沢山のアクセスがあります。

カメレオンフォトアートのホームページ が新しくなりました。皆さんアクセスしてみて下さい。

When I started the project Camaleon Photo Art in May this year, it was just me and my friend Shony. I have heard many criticisms, many people said that would not work  , and others said I could not do that. Despite the criticism I never gave up, and today I can say that I am very pleased with the results achieved thus far. Today's photo Camaleon Art has a Web Designer, Graphic Designer, Translator and many people around , who support and encourage my work, not to mention the important support of Genesis Body Boards.
Here is my thank you to everyone who bought pictures and made requests for body board, as well as all followers of the blog Best Wave Report, because of you this project will continue and grow.

The site Camaleon Photo Art has a new look, come in and check it out.


2009/12/25 Sakashita Omaezaki ( JPWA Japan Tour ) / 御前崎坂下

Waiting Day / 待機期間

Competitors / 選手

Rescue Jets / レスキュージェッツ

Organization of the Event / 組織は、イベントの

Good Shot - Omaezaki Area / 御前崎 エリア

Great Spirit - Best Wave Report Partner


Great   Spirit

環境・観光・健康スポーツを軸とした総合体験型のecotourism、自然と共存し日々の生活を有意義に過ごせる事ができるアウトドアフィットネスとして、ライフスタイルの充実・健康や体力つくり、生活の活性化を目指し、レジャー的要素の強いオーシャンカヤックやサーフィン、ボディーボード、シュノーケリング、フィッシングなど…楽しみながら健康につながる活動を通じて、誰もが気軽に参加がきる一般参加型の企画・運営を目指し、21世紀のライフスタイルの充実 、健康スポーツとして…活力寿命(基本的な日常生活動作に支障ない)や健康寿命(介護を必要としない)につなげられたらと考えます。
Health is a atate of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.「健康というのは単に病気がない、虚弱状態ではないということではなく、肉体的にも、精神的にも、社会的にも完全な状態の事をいう」。真の健康状態を作るにはかなりの努力と工夫が必要で、WHO(World Health Organization)が定義している健康体の人は本当にいるのだろうか?と疑問に感じてしまう。まずは楽しむことをきっかけに運動が日常的習慣となり防衛体力と習慣スポーツ活動につながれば、身体的ストレスや様々な病気にかかりにくくすることもできるのではないでしょうか。人々が自然の中で楽しみに訪れ体験し、体を動かすきっかけにつながれば、防衛体力につながり医療費負担を減らす事にもなる。そして、今おかれている自然環境を目の前で向き合うこともできるのではないでしょうか。

I know Pedro from the Omaezaki public  Pool , where he trains hard every day. After some conversations, I realized we had so much in common and we became very  good friends.

The love for the sea, waves, nature and sports, made us to became closer to each other , and we desire  to forward it to others.
I presented him the project proposal of  Great Spirit, and he immediately became interested and decided to take part in this project.To know more about the Great Spirit, visit our home page and contact us.



I wish Everyone a Merry Christmas

Photo and Art by Pedro Gomes

Congratulations Neymara Carvalho - 2009 Womens World Champion

Neymara Carvalho now is Genesis / ジェニシスライダー ネイマラ・カルバリオ

IBAワールドツアー チャンピョンに輝いたジェニシスライダーの

The current  World  Champion , and also 5x World Champion, Neymara Carvalho, is the newest member of the Genesis team. The greatest champions of all time  of the women body board .

Neymara Carvalho Profile :

5x World Champion 2003, 2004, 2007 , 2008 and 2009

2x Latin American Champion 2005 and 2007

ISA world champion GAMES-South Africa 2002

2x Pan American Champion 1999 and 2007

8x Professional Brazilian Champion 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006 and 2007

Brazilian Champion Amateur 1993 (Title Undefeated)



2009/12/22 Sakashita Omaezaki ( Wind Surf ) / 御前崎坂下

Photos by Pedro Gomes


John's Ear Candy / ジョン ウォートンのオススメMusic(The Stranglers )

An awesome bass line and cool synth , The Stranglers were one of my favourite bands when I was a teenager , they are early punk from the UK and are still playing . This is from their third album Black And White. But any of their albums are great , if you don`t know them you should, they are what punk is really about` Attitude , not playing fast or having the best haircut and the latest punk fashion . Just dirty raw sounds , good lyrics and heaps of attitude.
This weeks slang (Try hard) , as in "Look at Johnny he is such a try hard " literally meaning someone is trying too hard to look cool . The Stranglers didn`t have to try hard they just were cool and they never said we are a punk band, they just were that as well , not like the crap so called punk bands these days . Enough from this whinging old bastard . Enjoy!



2009/12/21 Sakashita Omaezaki / 御前崎坂下

Ventura live at SHAKA SHAKA ( Seaside Live Cafe )

As everyone knows, I'm not just surf photographer. Last Saturday I was photographing the  rock band   Ventura at Shaka Shaka live cafe  in Kosai. Good photos and great fun .


Congratulations Mick Fanning - 2009 ASP World Champion

Safe for a while / セーフしばらくの間、


After hearing my problem finding cheese flavor doritos, my friend Yumi could find  it in a pharmacy in Hamaoka, and brought me some doritos until the Cainz Home request for  Doritos again . Thanks Yumi.


ジョン‏ / John Wharton


From today John Wharton will be here giving some tips on music and also giving some tips on English. I hope  you enjoy. For those who do not understand anything of English , please use the blog translator, which is on the left side of the monitor above the flags.
A warm welcome to the Best Wave Report my friend.

A partir de hoje John Wharton estará aqui dando algumas dicas de musica e também dando umas dicas de inglês . Eu Espero que que vocês gostem .para aqueles que não entendem nada de inglês ,por favor usem o blog translator , que fica do lado esquerdo do monitor acima das bandeiras .
Seja muito bem vindo ao Best Wave Report meu amigo .


John's Ear Candy (THE POSTAL SERVICE )

So here we go , John`s music reviews and some slang Australian english that may or may not help you if you choose to go to Australia or meet one of us and don`t have a clue what we are talking about .
First up I will review all types of music which I like , if you don`t like it try again next week , I am sure you will find something to to keep you happy.
This weeks band is THE POSTAL SERVICE .
The Postal Service is an American electronic indie pop band composed of vocalist Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie and producer Jimmy Tamborello of Dntel, Headset and Figurine.
The band's debut album, Give Up, was released on February 18, 2003
We Will Become Silhouettes" Is about the photo taken of a mans silhouette that was left on the footpath after the bombing of Nagasaki .
The song is making light of a serious subject a family hiding in a bomb shelter waiting for it to be safe to exit .
It is a very daggy video but I love it and the album very much.

Ok Aussie slang( Daggy) means kakuwaruii , Not cool !
It is actually taken from the word dag which is matted hair that hangs from a sheeps bum .

Sweet enjoy music , John Wharton


Weekend in Izu / ウィークエンドイン伊豆‏


Last weekend I was in Izu, surfing and photographing. I was very well received by local people, good waves, good pictures.

I had the pleasure of meeting a super body boarder, which calls him self the Marlboro Man.( http://www3.tokai.or.jp/seahorse/ )

After many photos and waves me and my partner in photos Thiago Wave went to a restaurant for surfers and we ate a  super chiken curry. It was fun and I hope to return again.
Pedro , Marlboro Man and friends .

2009/12/13 Izu Area / 伊豆 エリア

Photos by Pedro Gomes



Rain , Wind , Cold and No Wave / 雨、風、冷たい と 波ない

Photo by Pedro Gomes ( Cell Phone Photo  /  写真を携帯電話 )

Cheap Vending Machine / 格安自動販売機


Good price for a Coke, is not it?


2009/12/5 Shark Point Omaezaki / 御前崎

Photos by Pedro Gomes


Thiago Wave


After a long stay in my house, Thiago  finally  left. During the time he was here , was pretty cool , beer, wine , sashimi and conversations about photography. Was a pleasant time, I'll be waiting for you in the next  swell mate.


Muito Obrigado / ありがとう‏ / Thank You

Passado um mês que instalei um programa de monitoramento deste blog , tenho que confessar que me surpreendi com os números alcançados . Mais de 20 países visitaram este blog e mais de 1300 seguidores assíduos só no Japão . A maioria das visitas são de Shizuoka e Hamamatsu , mas também um grande numero de visitas de Tokyo , Osaka , Kyoto , Nagoya e lugares distantes como Hokaido , Toyama entre outros .

A partir de agora o Blog estará entrando numa nova fase , onde contara com a colaboração de diversas pessoas , deixando de ser somente o blog do Pedro , mas sim o blog de todos que amam o mar e as ondas .
Outro aspecto que me surpreendeu foi o grande numero de brasileiros que acessam o blog , e fica aqui meu profundo obrigado . Também gostaria de explicar o motivo das postagens serem basicamente em inglês e japonês . Por morar no Japão e essencial que se tenha postagens na língua local e o inglês e uma língua internacional que abrange todos os povos . Se postasse em português também me tomaria muito tempo e o blog não ficaria tao dinâmico . Para aqueles que não entendem nada de inglês ou japonês existe uma ferramenta de tradução no lado esquerdo do monitor .
Espero que vocês gostem das mudanças que estão por vir . Desde já meu muito obrigado .

Pedro Gomes
ペドロ ゴメス
One month ago I installed a monitoring program on this blog , I must confess that I was surprised with the numbers achieved . Over 20 countries have visited this blog and more than 1,300 regulars followers in Japan only . Most of the visitors are from Shizuoka city and Hamamatsu, but also a large number of visitors from Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya and far away  locations like Hokkaido, Toyama and others.

From now the blog will be entering in a new phase, which counted on the collaboration of several people, no longer only the Pedro's blog , but the blog for all who love the sea and the waves.
I hope you like the changes are coming. Thank you vey much .

Pedro Gomes