
Zilber is Back Home - Great Spirit Shaper

ジルバがインドネシアから帰ってきましたぁ~。 寒い日本を離れ暖かい場所でサーフィンが出来るなんて仕事とはいっても本当にうらやましいよね? このサイトを管理しているペドロと冷たく寒い静岡の海を眺めながら話をしていました。いっぽうジルバの噂は、暖かい海で波乗りをしている様子の記事が書かれたblogを通じ二人の所へ漂流してきました。だから『悪いことできねーな』って本当ですね。 ジルバが日本へ帰った次の日から早速修理のたまったファクトリーにある二つに折れたボードのリペアもあっというまに出来上がり!今日もファクトリーには、クロス巻かれたジルバのボードがありました。もうラミネートかよ!ってなわけで、4ヶ月ぶりに戻ってきたジルバのオーダー/リペアを早速受付ます。 お問い合わせは、http://great-spirit.biz/ お待ちしてます。

After spending the winter in Bali, Zilber is back to Japan and is already shapeing his boards. Welcome back Zilber, and we are waiting for the good boards that you usually do. To order or get  more information about ZFS surf boards visit the link and check it out , http://great-spirit.biz/

2010/3/29 Shizunami Beach / 静波ビーチ

Photos by Tavares Junior



20010/3/28 Shizuoka Area / 御前崎 エリア

Photos by Tavares Junior


Best Wave Report

Best Wave Report People . Do you like this blog ? so tell your friends about it . Best Wave Report , the real people's blog , we don't make  style , we are what we are . Maybe not cool enough to the surf shop , but good enough to face the big waves , when the big waves came , when the surf is small , we drink beer and take photos , Kampai .

Martial Arts / 武術



I got a lot to say......I can't remember now

Nothing new to post today , so I think this song from The Ramones , express very well my feelings today . I hope you understand that , if not , well , try to listen Jack Johnson's new album , drive your car with the Jamaica's flag and hang around saying "Yabaiiii" , "magi de" ,. after that go to the first surf shop ( or surf club = surf shops in Japan are kind of club , society , well , never mind , they don't take my money anyway ) you see and by the 2010 new boards , new wetsuits , new anything , and after that don't forget to put the sticker in your cool wagon "Hiace", number 1173 , saying "No surf , No life " or "Surf is my Life" ,but don't spend all your money at the Surf Shop , keep around 50,000 yen to the hair dresser , don't need to save money to stupid things like Dentist , who needs clean white teeth ? you have a cool Blondie surfer hair anyway ...... after all you are ready to get the certificate of Cool Sufer," ÿabaiiiiiiiiiiiiii".



2010/3/14 NSW - Bondi Beach ( Boost Surf Sho ) / シドニーボンダイビーチ

Photos by Leandro Freda


3月14日日曜日に僕が以前住んでいたオーストラリア シドニーのボンダイビーチでBoost Surf Sho が開催されました僕の友人のフォトグラファー Fredaが撮影したケリースレーター ミックファニング タジバロウ などのフォトを彼が送ってくれましたFreda本当にありがとう!

My friend Freda presents us once again with a nice photo section in Australia. However this time is a special section , because some of the tops surfers of the world like Kelly Slater, Mick Fanning, Jordy Smith, Taj Burrow, Owen Wright and Others were in Bondi Beach last sunday , during the Boost Surf Sho. Thanks so Much for the Photos Freda , Good job Mate.
Also you can have a look at the event's video down here, Cheers.


End of summer in Brazil

僕の友人 サンパウロ在住のフォトグラファーDouglas Ruffo 彼はスペインのCanary Islandや色々な国で撮影したフォトを時々僕のブログにアップします  Douglasよろしくお願いします!

The summer is over in Brazil, but the temperature still high . With the arrival of the autumn , the waves get better over there . Douglas Ruffo Thanks for the photos of Brazil also for the  photos of the Canary Islands , that I still want to post here on another occasion.

Douglas Ruffo Photographer


20010/3/11 Shizuoka Area / 御前崎 エリア

海側の生活。/ Sea Side Life .

悪いね。/ Images like this are unacceptable, throw the garbage in the right place. Preserve nature.


2010/3/10 Shizunami Beach / 静波ビーチ

Photos by Junior


Index Krown Surf Boards

 このブログの新しいパートナーIndex krownは去年からずっと僕を応援してくれています Indexのマネージャーもライダーの皆も僕の友人 とても嬉しく思っています  Indexのボードはとてもいい!!Indexのボードについての問い合わせはここで↓(*^_^*)

090-6467-3092    kajukuwatsuru@hotmail.com

With pleasure I got the brand  Index  Krown as a partner of this blog. My relationship with the Index Krown Surf Boards is quite old already ; I am a personal friend of the manager in  Japan ,  Oldair Kavazuro and the riders in Japan as  Leandro Yanaguita , Ceara junior , Paulo Paiva , among others. I'm also happy because it is a company from southern Brazil , like me . For more information of these  high quality Boards, please contact  Oldair and visit the Index Krown website .

Riders in Japan

Leandro Yanaguita ( Japonego )

Paulo Paiva

Ceara Junior

All Photos by Pedro Gomes



Strong Wind / 強い風

Hard to sleep with this strong wind , making fucking noise on my window .


2010/3/8 Shizunami Beach / 静波ビーチ

Photos by Junior

これから時々静波に住む友人のCeara Juniorの撮った写真をアップします, Juniorよろしくおねがいします!
From today my friend Ceara Junior will post some photos on the blog Best Wave Report , I am very happy about it because my good friend Junior and me are surf  partners  and now also  partner in the photographs. A warm welcome to Best Wave Report my friend , partner in and out of water.


2010/1/29 Omaezaki Area - River Mouth /御前崎 エリア - 川マウス

Photos By Thiago Wave

 金曜日の朝御前崎の川で入りました。サイズはインサイドで頭オーバーあったけれどコンディションはハード   撮影してくれたThiagoありがとう!
Friday morning I surfed the river mouth of  Omaezaki , the waves were again fast with power and few water.  Needed luck to find the good waves. Thanks Thiago for the photos again .


IBA Tour - Pipeline Pro Final Day

Goldie surf comp Snapper

The swell here is small and the wind is cross shore but the water is warm and the points have some OK waves around 3-4 feet so I am making the most of it before returning to japan .With a bit of luck the swell will increase soon . John the Bastard


Kite Surfing - Palm Beach Sydney NSW

Photos by Leandro Freda


Thanks Freda for the Palm beach photos mate , We met each other in 2012 , in the south of Brazil , for sure .
Curtindo o que pintar da maneira tradicional , afinal de que outra maneira poderiamos fazer ..... by Wander Wildner .

2010/3/2 Omaezaki Area - Body Board Wave /御前崎 エリア - ボディーボードの波

Photos by Thiago Wave

Tuesday morning I was lucky to find some good waves at Shark Point, the waves had a good size, with power and fast , breaking in the inside , good for Body Board ,with absolutely  nobody  to disturb me. Thanks Thiago for the Photos.