
John John Florence Sick Sequence @ Ehukai Beach Break

John John Florence - North Shore of Oahu  Hawaii 2012

Pedro Gomes Photography All Rights Reserved
               I just found this sick sequence of John John Florence in my hard disck , I had forgotten that . So here it is and I share with you . ALOHA .


The Weekend

Omaezaki This Sunday

           Very strange for me to have the weekend off , I usually work on most of the weekends . Small clean waves around Omaezaki , fun . looks like that another big swell is coming this week , wait to see what happens . Aloha .

Special guest Mr.Yoshikawa was around this Sunday next to his friend .


Pedro Gomes Photography All Rights Reserved


The Shore Break Day - Typhoon #4

Shizuoka Secret Shore Break Typhoon #4

           Today before the wind ruins everything , it was possible to surf over head waves in the outside or the shore break  for those who prefer fast barrel waves . I am a body boarder , so I had no doubt where to surf . All my respect for 3 Japanese surfers and later my mate Thiago , surfing next to me in a very shallow sand bottom testing their  limits . In this post some few photos of today , and also a photo of my self bodyboarding before lose my favorite fin after wipeout that Aimi chan took from the car , Aloha .

Shallow Shore Break

Photo by Aimi Chan

My self having some fun with my old Body Board .

After wipeout I lost my favotite  fin .

The outside was really good actually for SUP and long boards .

Pedro Gomes Photography All Rights Reserved


Typhoon #3

Typhoon #3 Swell - Omaezaki Area

               The waves weren't big like I thought it would be , but for early season it was really all right . Shoulder , sometimes head high waves and if the surfer had some skill 1 or 2 actions was possible to be performed .  In the photos many guys I know , highlights to the Californian Bart Templeman one of the best surfers I have ever seen in Japan , that after a long while living in Japan is returning to California this week . I'll miss seeing his high level of surfing around , BON VOYAGE  Mr. Bart .

Bart Templeman @ Omaezaki

Another Move from Bart .

Typhoon #3

Big Spray here.

Satoshi Fernando being covered .

Satoshi close to the fence .

Typhoon #3

Ricardo Abe in a good one .

Ricardo's "PEIXE" Move .

The only body boarder in the water .

Led Santos in his Birth wave , Parabens .

               After a long while away , Thiago was back around here . This guy was who teach me the first steps in water photography around 2 years ago , he is so funny nice to see him around .

Local !

OZ guy doing Knee Surf .

Knee Surf technique .

Typhoon #3

Bon Voyage Mr. Bart .

Pedro Gomes Photography All Rights Reserved


Rainy Season Swell

Pretty good waves in a cloudy day .

               Shoulder high waves , only local surfers in the water , and after this few photos my self in the water with my old and big body board . The week started very well in Omaezaki , ALOHA .

My favorite shoot today .

My favorite place ( HAOLEE KEEP OUT )

The same guy in the photo above in a nive cover here ....

..... and here again .

Omaezaki area this Tuesday .

Nice cover .


Key Watanabe in a compact one , "Thank's for that left mate".

Aimi Chan finding the balance .

Shuaaaa ...

Before that ....

And here goes another surf day in our lifes , Aloha .

Pedro Gomes Photography All Rights Reserved